Windows 7 / Networking

Modifying Connection Properties

In the wireless network connection's Properties dialog box, the Connection tab displays some basic information about the connection-the connection's local name, its SSID, the network type (Access Point or Ad Hoc Network), and the network availability (that is, which users can use the connection). You also get the following three check boxes:

  • Connect Automatically When This Network Is In Range-Leave this check box activated to have Windows 7 connect to the network automatically whenever the network comes within range. If you prefer to connect to the network manually, deactivate this check box.
  • Connect to a More Preferred Network If Available-Leave this check box activated to have Windows 7 automatically disconnect from this network if a network that is listed higher in the Manage Wireless Networks list comes within range. (See "Reordering Wireless Connections" for more information about preferred networks.)
  • Connect Even If the Network Is Not Broadcasting Its Name (SSID)-If you activate this check box, Windows 7 checks to see whether the network is within range even if the network isn't broadcasting its SSID. Leave this check box deactivated to improve security.

TIP Connecting to a wireless network automatically is useful for those networks you use regularly. This applies to your home or office network, of course, but it may also be true of places you frequent, such as your local coffee shop or a hotel. However, if the network charges you for connection time, it's usually a good idea to connect manually.

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