Windows 7 / Networking

Disabling a Network Connection

It's possible that your Windows 7 computer has a network connection that it doesn't use. For example, if you upgraded to a Gigabit Ethernet NIC, you may no longer use your machine's old Fast Ethernet motherboard NIC. You can't detach a motherboard NIC from your computer (not easily, anyway), so the network connection icon remains, cluttering the Network Connections window and using up a few Windows 7 resources. If you don't plan on using such a connection, you're better off disabling it by following these steps:

  1. In the Network Connections window, click the connection you want to work with, and then click the taskbar's Disable This Network Device command. (You can also right-click the connection and then click Disable.) The User Account Control dialog box appears.
  2. Enter your UAC credentials to continue.

Windows 7 changes the connection's status to Disabled. If you want to use the connection again later on, click it, and then click the taskbar's Enable This Network Device command.

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