Getting the scoop on loops
There are two varieties of testing loops in the world of telecom: soft loops and hard loops. CSUs and NIUs generate soft loops, which use software to bounce the signaling on a circuit back to its point of origin. You create hard loops by physically wiring together the transmit and receive lines on a circuit. You typically place a hard loop in a circuit by using a loopback plug, but both loops perform the same function.
If you can't loop the NIU
If you can't loop the NIU, there is a problem in the local loop, or possibly within your long-distance carrier's network. The only way to isolate the issue is to continue working back on the circuit towards the CFA point until you find a good section that doesn't have errors. In this case, proceed straight to "Step 5: Looping the CFA point" for additional troubleshooting.
In this tutorial:
- Troubleshooting Your Dedicated Circuits
- Identifying the Level of Your Problem
- Identifying circuit variables in circuits that are DS-3 or larger
- Identifying DS-1-level circuit variables
- Identifying DS-0 or individual channel issues
- Categorizing the Nature of Your Problem
- Understanding dedicated call quality issues
- Understanding circuit failure issues
- Opening a Trouble Ticket for Your Dedicated Circuit
- Letting your channels be your guide
- Remembering the first rule of troubleshooting
- Remote made busy: RMB
- Installation made busy: IMB
- Avoiding permanent IMB status
- Managing Your Dedicated Trouble Ticket
- Getting the Basics of Dedicated Outbound Troubleshooting
- Step 1: Rebooting your hardware
- Understanding your trouble ticket options
- Step 2: Intrusively testing: Looping the CSU
- If looping the CSU fails
- Using a T-1 test set
- Step 3: Looping the NIU
- Getting the scoop on loops
- Step 4: Looping to your T-1 jack
- If you can't loop the T-1 jack
- Step 5: Looping the CFA point
- Following a Dedicated Troubleshooting Shortcut
- Validating the Circuit You Are Testing
- The Basics of Dedicated Toll-Free Troubleshooting
- Step 1: Identifying a provisioning issue
- Step 2: Redialing your dedicated toll-free number
- Step 3: Validating your dedicated RespOrg
- Step 4: Validating the DNIS configuration
- Step 5: Head-to-head dedicated toll-free testing