Function | What It Returns |
Date | The current system date as a Variant. |
Date$() | The current system date as a String. |
DateAdd(interval, number, date) | A Date value derived by adding number time intervals (months, quarters, and so on) to date. |
DateDiff(interval, date1, date2,...) | The number of time intervals between date1 and date2. |
DatePart(interval, date,...) | The interval given by date. |
DateSerial(year, month, day) | A Date value for the specified year, month, and day. |
DateValue(date) | A Date value for the date string. |
Day(date) | The day of the month given by date. |
Hour(time) | The hour component of time. |
Minute(time) | The minute component of time. |
Month(date) | The month component of date. |
MonthName(month,abbreviate) | The name of the month associated with the specified month number. |
Now | The current system date and time. |
Second(time) | The second component of time. |
Time | The current system time as a Variant. |
Time$ | The current system time as a String. |
Timer | The number of seconds since midnight. |
TimeSerial(hour, minute, second) | A Date value for the specified hour, minute, and second. |
TimeValue(time) | A Date value for the time string. |
Weekday(date) | The day of the week, as a number, given by date. |
WeekdayName(weekday,abbreviate) | The name of the weekday associated with the specified weekday number. |
Year(date) | The year component of date. |