MS-Excel / General Formatting

Math Functions

FunctionWhat It Returns
Abs(number)The absolute value of number.
Atn(number)The arctangent of number.
Cos(number)The cosine of number.
Exp(number)e (the base of the natural logarithm) raised to the power of number.
Fix(number)The integer portion of number. If number is negative, Fix returns the first negative integer greater than or equal to number
Hex(number)The hexadecimal value, as a Variant, of number.
Hex$(number)The hexadecimal value, as a String, of number.
Int(number)The integer portion of number. If number is negative, Int returns the first negative integer less than or equal to number.
Log(number)The natural logarithm of number.
Oct(number)The octal value, as a Variant, of number.
Oct$(number)The octal value, as a String, of number.
Rnd(number)A random number.
Round(expression, numberdecimalplaces)The numeric expression rounded to a specified number of decimal places.
Sgn(number)The sign of number.
Sin(number)The sine of number.
Sqr(number)The square root of number.
Tan(number)The tangent of number.
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