Function | What It Returns |
Abs(number) | The absolute value of number. |
Atn(number) | The arctangent of number. |
Cos(number) | The cosine of number. |
Exp(number) | e (the base of the natural logarithm) raised to the power of number. |
Fix(number) | The integer portion of number. If number is negative, Fix returns the first negative integer greater than or equal to number |
Hex(number) | The hexadecimal value, as a Variant, of number. |
Hex$(number) | The hexadecimal value, as a String, of number. |
Int(number) | The integer portion of number. If number is negative, Int returns the first negative integer less than or equal to number. |
Log(number) | The natural logarithm of number. |
Oct(number) | The octal value, as a Variant, of number. |
Oct$(number) | The octal value, as a String, of number. |
Rnd(number) | A random number. |
Round(expression, numberdecimalplaces) | The numeric expression rounded to a specified number of decimal places. |
Sgn(number) | The sign of number. |
Sin(number) | The sine of number. |
Sqr(number) | The square root of number. |
Tan(number) | The tangent of number. |