MS-Excel - General Formatting Tutorials

Refining Excel Worksheet

This tutorial describes how to move, delete, and rename worksheets, as well as protect them from being edited or altered. Read more...

Creating Excel Custom Controls

The rest of this tutorial takes you through the three most common control types supported by the Ribbon interface: buttons, menus, and split buttons. You'll learn the RibbonX XML code required to add and configure each control. Read more...

Customizing the Office 2007 Ribbon

This tutorial presents some techniques for making your macros more accessible. Learn how to enable your users to use familiar tools-namely, the Office 2007 Ribbon and its tabs, groups, and various buttons to run your macros. Read more...

Prevent Case Sensitivity in VBA Code

By default, Excel VBA code is case sensitive and uses what is known as binary comparisons. This means that it sees Cat and cat as two different words. Read more...

Display AutoFilter Criteria

Use a custom function to display the criteria used for any column in a table with an AutoFilter applied. Excel's AutoFilter is one of its most useful features, but one small drawback is... Read more...

Force Text to Upper- or Proper Case

Restrict all future entries in a spreadsheet or range of cells to uppercase or proper case only. Read more...

Change Text to Upper- or Proper Case

When using a built-in Excel function is impractical, you can use a custom macro to change any existing text to uppercase or proper case. Read more...

Hide and Restore Toolbars in Excel

Attach a custom toolbar to your spreadsheet that doesn't get in the way of the end user's settings for other spreadsheets when yours is closed. Read more...

Convert Formula References from Relative to Absolute

Change absolute formula references to relative references, vice versa, or a mix of absolute and relative columns and rows. Read more...

Track and Report Changes in Excel

To overcome the limitations of the Track Changes feature, you can employ some help from Excel VBA and Excel's Change Events feature. Read more...

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