MS-Excel / General Formatting

Excel Save Files

When you save a workbook, Excel saves the copy in memory to your drive - overwriting the previous copy of the workbook. When you save a workbook for the first time, Excel displays its Save As dialog box.

Excel 2007 uses a new default format for saving workbook documents. This new format is based on the Extensible Markup Language (XML). Office 2007 applications use an extension to XML called Office Open XML. Workbooks saved in Office Open XML maintain full fidelity with everything in your document, including (in the case of Excel) formulas, formatting, charts, tables, and macros. XML and Office Open XML are text-based formats (versus the binary formats found in earlier versions of Office applications).

You don't need to have a complete (or even partial) knowledge of XML or Office XML to work in Excel 2007. However, it is useful to know that Excel 2007, like earlier versions, saves files with a different file extension depending on the type of file you are saving. A list of the standard file types and the extension names they use are given in the following table. We also include the corresponding file extensions used in earlier versions of Excel.

File Type 2007 Extension Pre-2007 Extension
Excel workbook default format .xlsx.xls
Excel macro-enabled workbook .xlsm.xls
Excel workbook template .xltx.xlt
Excel macro-enabled workbook template .xltm.xlt
Excel binary workbook .xlsb.xls
Excel add-in .xlam.xla
Excel workspace .xlw.xlw
Excel user interface customization* .xlb.xlb

(Remember):Unlike earlier versions of Excel, the table indicates that Excel 2007 workbooks or templates containing macros (scripts written to enhance Excel in some manner) are stored in files that differ from files without macros. If you attempt to save a macro-based workbook or template in a format that does not support macros (.xlsx or .xltx), Excel gives you the option to save the file without macros or to select a format that supports macros (.xlsm or .xltm).

Saving a workbook

Use any of the following methods to save the active workbook:

  1. Click the Office button and then choose Save.
  2. Click the Save button on the Quick Access toolbar.
  3. Press Ctrl+S.
  4. Press Shift+F12.

If the document you are saving does not yet have a name, Excel prompts you for a name by opening its Save As dialog box. You can give the document a name and navigate to the folder where you want to store the file.

Saving a workbook under a different name

Sometimes you may want to keep multiple versions of your work by saving each successive version under a different name. To save a workbook with a different name, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Office button and then choose Save As. Excel displays the Save As dialog box.
    Windows XP: In the Save In drop-down list, select the folder in which to save the workbook.
    Windows Vista: If the Folders window isn't displayed, click Browse Folders, click Folders to display the Folders window, and then select the folder in which to save the workbook.
  2. In the File Name text box, enter a new filename. (You don't need to include a file extension.) and in the end click Save.

Saving a workbook in a different or earlier file format

To share a workbook with someone who uses an application that opens files in a format other than Excel 2007, be sure to save the workbook in a file format that the other application can read.

Excel can save workbook contents in many non-Excel file formats, such as, tabor comma-delimited text, html, and standard xml. To save a workbook in a different file format, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Office button and then choose Save As.
  2. In the Save As Type drop-down list, select the format in which you want to save the file. For example, to save in an earlier Excel file format, select Excel 97-2003 Workbook in the end click Save.

Excel separates a list of some Excel file formats from the complete list of file types to save you time in navigating the Save As dialog box. Click the arrow at the end of the Save As option in the Office menu to display the list of some common Excel file formats.

(Remember):If you attempt to save a workbook with features not supported in the file format you are saving to, Excel displays a warning message. If the format you are saving to is an earlier version of Excel, Excel displays the Compatibility Checker dialog box, which shows you a list of features that will be lost.

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