Creating Security Objects
When you create a new user or group account, either through the user interface or via code, you must supply a Personal IDentifier (PID). The PID is a case-sensitive 4-20 character string that Access combines with the user or group name to create a unique Security IDentifier (SID). The SID is a unique identifier, which is similar to a public security key. Once you create the account, you can never view or change the SID. But (and this is why the SID is notable) if you ever delete the user or group account, and later decide to re-create it, you must use the same PID because Access remembers it. If the resulting SID does not match, Access will not allow you to re-create the account. Therefore, whenever you create a new user or group account, save the PID offsite so you don't lose it.
When you create a new user account, you can also include a case-sensitive password of 1 to 20 characters, which the user must enter when logging on. The only user who can change the password is the user who owns it. However, members of the Admins group can clear any user's password.
Passwords and PIDs are encoded and stored in the workgroup file, and thus, cannot be viewed by anyone. The following sections demonstrate how to create and modify user and group accounts, and includes code to add SIDs and passwords.
Managing Users and Groups
The Workspace object contains a Groups collection and a Users collection. The Groups collection contains all the Group objects used in the workgroup. A Group, as its name suggests, is a collection of Users to whom you want to assign the same privileges. You can enumerate the users and groups using the following code:
Public Sub EnumUsersAndGroups() Dim wrk As DAO.Workspace Dim grp As DAO.Group Dim usr As DAO.User Set wrk = DBEngine(0) 'Enumerate the groups Debug.Print "Groups..." For Each grp In wrk.Groups Debug.Print vbTab & grp.Name Next grp 'Enumerate the users Debug.Print "Users..." For Each usr In wrk.Users Debug.Print vbTab & usr.Name Next usr Set grp = Nothing Set wrk = Nothing End Sub
The preceding code simply lists all the users and groups that exist in the system, but it doesn't show the relationship between them. If you want to find out which users belong to a specific group, you need to enumerate the Users collection for that specific group:
Public Sub EnumGroupUsers(strGroup As String) Dim wrk As DAO.Workspace Dim varUser As Variant Set wrk = DBEngine(0) Debug.Print "Users belonging to the '" & strGroup & "' group..." For Each varUser In wrk.Groups(strGroup).Users Debug.Print vbTab & varUser.Name Next varUser Set wrk = Nothing End Sub
Similarly, you can list all the groups that a specific user belongs to by enumerating the Groups collection for that user:
Public Sub EnumUserGroups(strUser As String) Dim wrk As DAO.Workspace Dim varGroup As Variant Set wrk = DBEngine(0) Debug.Print "Groups to which user '" & strUser & "' belongs..." For Each varGroup In wrk.Users(strUser).Groups Debug.Print vbTab & varGroup.Name Next varGroup Set wrk = Nothing End Sub
The Current User
The current user is defined as the user who is currently logged on to the database application. For most security-related operations, you need to know the name of the current user. DAO provides a convenient way of obtaining this information using the Workspace object's UserName property:
strMyName = DBEngine(0).UserName
Using this property, you can create a User object for the current user, without having to know his name, as follows:
Dim usr As DAO.User Set usr = DBEngine(0).Users(DBEngine(0).UserName)
The Access Application object also provides an easy way of obtaining the name of the user who is currently logged on, using a function appropriately named CurrentUser.
In this tutorial:
- Using DAO to Access Data
- Data Access Objects
- New Features in DAO
- Referring to DAO Objects
- The DBEngine Object
- Using Transactions
- The Errors Collection
- The Databases Collection
- The CurrentDb() Function
- Opening an External Database
- Closing and Destroying Database Object References
- DAO Property Types
- Setting and Retrieving Built-In Object Properties
- Setting and Retrieving SummaryInfo Properties
- Creating Schema Objects with DAO
- Creating Indexes
- Creating Relations
- Creating Multi-Value Lookup Fields
- Database Encryption with DAO
- Setting Encryption Options
- Managing Access (JET) Security with DAO
- Creating Security Objects
- Creating and Deleting Groups
- Managing Passwords
- Data Access with DAO
- Modifying a QueryDef
- Filtering and Ordering Recordsets
- Navigating Recordsets
- Navigating Recordsets with Multi-Value Lookup Fields
- Bookmarks and Recordset Clones
- Finding Records
- Working with Recordsets
- Using Arrays with Recordsets
- Working with Attachment Fields
- Append Only Fields