Creating and Deleting Groups
Rather than assign access permissions to individual users, as mentioned earlier, you can create groups to which one or more users can be assigned. Each group can be assigned specific permissions to the database's objects, and every user who is assigned to that group will inherit the permissions of that group. In this section, you learn how to use DAO to create or delete Groups in code. The following code shows how to create a new group. The basic procedure is to create the group using the CreateGroup method, and then append it to the Groups collection:
Public Sub CreateUserGroup(strGroupName As String, strPID As String) Dim wrk As DAO.Workspace Dim grp As DAO.Group Set wrk = DBEngine(0) On Error GoTo CreateUserGroupErr 'Create the new group Set grp = wrk.CreateGroup(strGroupName, strPID) ws.Groups.Append grp CreateUserGroupErr: Set grp = Nothing Set wrk = Nothing End Sub
Deleting a group is even easier. Simply execute the Groups collection's Delete method, as follows:
Public Sub DeleteGroup(strGroup As String) On Error Resume Next DBEngine(0).Groups.Delete strGroup End Sub
You can't rename a group once it has been created. If you need to rename a group, you have to delete it, and then re-create it. Remember, though, if you need to re-create a user or group, you must supply the same PID that you used to create it in the first place.
Creating and Deleting Users
Using DAO, you can create a new user account that can then be added to one or more groups. The following code shows how to create a new user. The basic procedure is to create the user with the CreateUser method, and then append it to the Users collection:
Public Function CreateUserAccount(strUserName As String, _ strPID As String, _ strPassword As String) Dim wrk As DAO.Workspace Dim usr As DAO.User Set wrk = DBEngine(0) On Error GoTo CreateUserAccountErr 'Create the new user Set usr = wrk.CreateUser(strUserName, strPID, strPassword) wrk.Users.Append usr CreateUserAccountErr: Set usr = Nothing Set wrk = Nothing End Function
As with deleting a group, deleting a user is quite simple; just execute the Users collection's Delete method:
Public Sub DeleteUser(strUser As String) On Error Resume Next DBEngine(0).Users.Delete strUser End Sub
To rename a user account, you must delete the account, and then re-create it.
User and Group Operations
Before you can assign permissions that allow users to access any of the Access or database engine objects, you must add the users to one or more groups.
There are two ways you can do this: by adding users to the group, or by adding the group to the users. Although the following two procedures achieve exactly the same end, they demonstrate how to do it:
Example: Adding Users to GroupsPublic Sub AddUser2Group(strUser As String, strGroup As String) Dim wrk As DAO.Workspace Dim usr As DAO.User Dim grp As DAO.Group Set wrk = DBEngine(0) On Error Resume Next 'Create object references Set grp = wrk.Groups(strUser) Set usr = grp.CreateUser(strUser) 'Add the group to the user's Groups collection grp.Users.Append usr grp.Users.Refresh Set usr = Nothing Set grp = Nothing Set wrk = Nothing End SubExample: Adding Groups to Users
Public Sub AddGroup2User(strUser As String, strGroup As String) Dim wrk As DAO.Workspace Dim usr As DAO.User Dim grp As DAO.Group Set wrk = DBEngine(0) On Error Resume Next 'Create object references Set usr = wrk.Users(strUser) Set grp = usr.CreateGroup(strGroup) 'Add the group to the user's Groups collection usr.Groups.Append grp usr.Groups.Refresh Set usr = Nothing Set grp = Nothing Set wrk = Nothing End Sub
Similarly, if you want to delete a user from a group, you can delete the user's entry from the Groups collection, or delete the group from the Users collection. Here's one way:
Public Sub DeleteUserFromGroup(strUser As String, strGroup As String) Dim wrk As DAO.Workspace Set wrk = DBEngine(0) On Error Resume Next wrk.Users(strUser).Groups.Delete strGroup Set wrk = Nothing End Sub
Determining If a User Belongs to a Specific Group
When determining if a user should have access to a particular object or function, you may need to determine whether the user belongs to a specific group. As with most other functions, this is also fairly easy; simply check if the name of the user exists in the group's Users collection, or if the group exists in the user's Groups collection.
Public Function IsUserInGroup (strUser As String, strGroup As String) As Boolean Dim wrk As DAO.Workspace Set wrk = DBEngine(0) On Error Resume Next IsUserInGroup = False 'Check in the Users --> Groups collection IsUserInGroup = _ (wrk.Users(strUser).Groups(strGroup).Name = strGroup) 'You can also do it this way... 'Check in the Groups --> Users collection 'IsUserInGroup = _ (wrk.Groups(strGroup).Users(strUser).Name = strUser) Set wrk = Nothing End Function
In this tutorial:
- Using DAO to Access Data
- Data Access Objects
- New Features in DAO
- Referring to DAO Objects
- The DBEngine Object
- Using Transactions
- The Errors Collection
- The Databases Collection
- The CurrentDb() Function
- Opening an External Database
- Closing and Destroying Database Object References
- DAO Property Types
- Setting and Retrieving Built-In Object Properties
- Setting and Retrieving SummaryInfo Properties
- Creating Schema Objects with DAO
- Creating Indexes
- Creating Relations
- Creating Multi-Value Lookup Fields
- Database Encryption with DAO
- Setting Encryption Options
- Managing Access (JET) Security with DAO
- Creating Security Objects
- Creating and Deleting Groups
- Managing Passwords
- Data Access with DAO
- Modifying a QueryDef
- Filtering and Ordering Recordsets
- Navigating Recordsets
- Navigating Recordsets with Multi-Value Lookup Fields
- Bookmarks and Recordset Clones
- Finding Records
- Working with Recordsets
- Using Arrays with Recordsets
- Working with Attachment Fields
- Append Only Fields