Navigating Recordsets with Multi-Value Lookup Fields
You've seen the Recordset and Field objects for accessing data in a table or query. There are, however, new objects in DAO that are used to manipulate and navigate multi-value lookup fields. These objects are appropriately named Recordset2 and Field2. In fact, if you declare a Recordset or Field object in an ACCDB file, you are actually using a Recordset2 or Field2 object. This happens regardless of whether you open a recordset that contains a multi-value lookup field.
Because a multi-value lookup field can store many values, the value of the field is actually a recordset. In other words, you can navigate through the values in a multi-value lookup field in the same manner as other recordsets.
For example, say you are an administrator at a small college and would like to track students and the classes that those students take. You have already created the table of classes that contains information about each class. You start by creating the Students table and adding a multi-value lookup field named Classes to store all of the classes taken by a particular student. The following code shows how to print the list of students and the classes they take:
Sub PrintStudentsAndClasses() Dim dbs As DAO.Database Dim rsStudents As DAO.Recordset2 'Recordset for students Dim rsClasses As DAO.Recordset2 'Recordset for classes Dim fld As DAO.Field2 'open the database Set dbs = CurrentDb() 'get the table of students Set rsStudents = dbs.OpenRecordset("tblStudents") 'loop through the students Do While Not rsStudents.EOF 'get the classes field Set fld = rsStudents("Classes") 'get the classes Recordset 'make sure the field is a multi-valued field before 'getting a Recordset object If fld.IsComplex Then Set rsClasses = fld.Value End IF 'access all records in the recordset If Not (rsClasses.BOF And rsClasses.EOF) Then rsClasses.MoveLast rsClasses.MoveFirst End If 'print the student and number of classes Debug.Print rsStudents("FirstName") & " " & rsStudents("LastName"), _ "Number of classes: " & rsClasses.RecordCount 'print the classes for this student Do While Not rsClasses.EOF Debug.Print , rsClasses("Value") rsClasses.MoveNext Loop 'close the Classes recordset rsClasses.Close 'get the next student rsStudents.MoveNext Loop 'cleanup rsStudents.Close Set fld = Nothing Set rsStudents = Nothing Set dbs = Nothing End Sub
Because the related class data is stored as a recordset, you can use the following line to retrieve the classes for a student:
Set rsClasses = fld.Value
This creates a Recordset2 object that contains one field named Value. This field contains the value of the bound column as displayed in the multi-valued combo box or list box in Access.
In this tutorial:
- Using DAO to Access Data
- Data Access Objects
- New Features in DAO
- Referring to DAO Objects
- The DBEngine Object
- Using Transactions
- The Errors Collection
- The Databases Collection
- The CurrentDb() Function
- Opening an External Database
- Closing and Destroying Database Object References
- DAO Property Types
- Setting and Retrieving Built-In Object Properties
- Setting and Retrieving SummaryInfo Properties
- Creating Schema Objects with DAO
- Creating Indexes
- Creating Relations
- Creating Multi-Value Lookup Fields
- Database Encryption with DAO
- Setting Encryption Options
- Managing Access (JET) Security with DAO
- Creating Security Objects
- Creating and Deleting Groups
- Managing Passwords
- Data Access with DAO
- Modifying a QueryDef
- Filtering and Ordering Recordsets
- Navigating Recordsets
- Navigating Recordsets with Multi-Value Lookup Fields
- Bookmarks and Recordset Clones
- Finding Records
- Working with Recordsets
- Using Arrays with Recordsets
- Working with Attachment Fields
- Append Only Fields