Windows 7 / Getting Started

Get the Server Names

First, you'll need the names of all the RD Session Host servers. How you do this depends on whether the servers are in a domain or a workgroup. (The workgroup model will support both domains and workgroups, but the domain model doesn't work for workgroups because it depends on reading OU memberships.) In both cases, you'll collect the names of the RD Session Host servers and put them into a file.

Assuming that all identically configured RD Session Host servers are in the same OU, one way to do this is to query that OU and return its members, writing the names to a file. The companion media contains a Windows PowerShell script that does this (called Getservers.ps1), but you can also do this with VBScript (RDSHServerFarmNames.vbs on the companion media), as shown in the following code snippet.

' =====Configuration Area================
strRDSTextFile = "FarmServers.txt"
strRDSLDAPPath = "LDAP://OU=ASH_RD_Farm1, DC=ash, DC=local"
sScriptDirPath = "\\colfax\ash-company-files\IT\AUDIT\"
' =====End Configuration Area============
Set objRDSOU = GetObject(strRDSLDAPPath)
objRDSOU.Filter = Array("Computer")
' ===================================
' If file exists add data, if not, then create file and add data
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FileExists(sScriptDirPath&strRDSTextFile) Then
'do nothing
Set objRDSTextFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(sScriptDirPath&strRDSTextFile)
End If
Set objRDSTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(sScriptDirPath&strRDSTextFile, ForWriting)
For Each objRDSItem in objRDSOU
    strRDSComputer = objRDSItem.CN

This won't work in the workgroup scenario, because workgroups don't have OUs. In that case, you'll need to rely on the query termserver command, as in the following example. This is a bit more complicated, because the command-line tool returns some extra data and you'll need to remove it from the file. This section relies on both RDSHNames.bat and QueryRDSH.vbs on the companion media.

' =====Configuration Area================
objRDSBATFile = "\\colfax\ash-company-files\IT\scripts\RDSHNames.bat"
' =====End Configuration Area============
' Run batch file query termserv
' requires batch file
' batch file code is: query termserv>\\colfax\ash-company-files\IT\scripts\RDSHNames.txt
Set WSHShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
WSHShell.Run (objRDSBATFile),0, True
' Query termserv command adds two lines of header info to file
' This removes this extraneous information
' =====Configuration Area================
strRDSFile = "\\colfax\ash-company-files\IT\scripts\RDSHNames.txt"
' =====Configuration Area================
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objRDSFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strRDSFile, ForReading)
Do until objRDSFile.AtEndOfStream
strRDSLines = objRDSFile.ReadAll
' Remove carriage return at end of file
Set objNewRDSFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strRDSFile, ForWriting)
Set objNewRDSFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strRDSFile, ForReading)
strRDSLines = objNewRDSFile.ReadAll
strFileContents = strRDSLines
intLength = Len(strFileContents)
strEndofString = Right(strFileContents, 2)
If strEndofString = vbCrLf Then
	strFileContents = Left(strFileContents, intLength - 2)
	Set objNewRDSFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strRDSFile, ForWriting)
End if
Set objRDSFile = Nothing
Set objNewRDSFile = Nothing
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