Windows 7 / Getting Started

Analyzing Compatibility Data

The ACT enables you to organize and to analyze your data by using categorization, prioritization, organizational assessments, issue and solution management, report management, and filtering. You can access and view all your compatibility data by using the Quick Reports area of the ACM.

Creating and Assigning Categories

You can create, modify, and assign categories to all your applications, computers, devices, Web sites, and updates for a more customized ACT compatibility report and for filtering purposes. After assigning the priority categories, the second most commonly used analysis tool is assigning arbitrary categories to each piece of software:

  • Software Vendor can be a useful category because you might have varying relationships with each of your vendors. Generating reports and groupings by software vendor can be useful when you have discussions with that vendor and evaluate the vendor's performance with regard to your compatibility needs.
  • Test Complexity can be useful for planning and assigning resources. Applications with higher complexity might require additional resources or help to make support decisions. For example, you might assign additional resources to a Business Critical application with an elevated test complexity but remove a Nice To Have application with an elevated test complexity from the supported software list.
  • Unit of Deployment is another commonly used set of categories, such as Division and Region. Your organization might choose a different naming convention for this information, but typically, this category enables you to track the software needs of one unit of deployment so that as the necessary software is tested and approved, that deployment unit can proceed.

Because the category option is a completely extensible multiple-selection string value, you can potentially use it for just about anything. Some creative uses include creating a category for signoff from multiple owners so that the software can be authorized only when all categories have been selected (indicating that each group has signed off). You can brainstorm other ideas about how to use categories and how your group perceives the organization of its software ecosystem.

Note By default, the Master Category List dialog box has two categories: Software Vendor and Test Complexity. These are the only default subcategories. For more information about creating and assigning categories and subcategories, see "Categorizing Your Data" in the ACT documentation.

To create new categories and subcategories, perform the following steps:

  1. In the ACM, click Analyze.
  2. In the Analyze screen, in the Quick Reports pane, click Applications in the Windows 7 Reports section.
  3. On the Actions menu, click Assign Categories.
  4. In the Assign Categories dialog box, click Category List.
  5. In the Categories area of the Category List dialog box, click Add, type the name of the new category, and then press Enter.
  6. In the Subcategories area of the Category List dialog box, click Add, type the name of a new subcategory, and then press Enter. Repeat this step for each subcategory that you want to add to the category.
  7. Click OK to close the Assign Categories dialog box.

To assign a category or subcategory, perform the following steps:

  1. In the ACM, click Analyze.
  2. In the Analyze screen, in the Quick Reports pane, click Applications in the Windows 7 Reports section.
  3. In the Windows 7 - Application Report, right-click an application and then click Assign Categories.
  4. In the Assign Categories dialog box, select the check box next to each category and subcategory to which you want to assign the application.
  5. Click OK to close the Assign Categories dialog box.
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