Windows 7 / Getting Started

Filtering Compatibility Data

You can filter your organization's compatibility issue data by selecting specific restriction criteria in context, based on the report that you are viewing. For example, you can filter your applications by category, your Web sites by priority, or a Windows update by deployment status.

To create a filter, perform the following steps:

  1. In the ACM, click Analyze.
  2. In the Analyze screen, in the Quick Reports pane, click Applications in the Windows 7 Reports section.
  3. On the Filter menu, select Toggle Filter to turn on the filter.
  4. In the Filter pane, choose a field, an operator, and a value on which to filter. For example, to display only applications with a company name containing Microsoft, click Company in the Field column, click Contains in the Operator column, and type Microsoft in the Value column. After adding a clause (row), the ACM automatically adds a new, empty clause.
  5. Add additional clauses as necessary. You can specify whether all clauses must be true or whether any one of the clauses must be true by choosing And or Or in the And/Or column for each individual clause.
  6. Select Refresh from the View menu to display the compatibility database based on your filter.

You can further edit your filter by clicking the Filter menu and then selecting Cut, Copy, Paste, Insert Clause, Delete Clause, or Clear.

To save a filter, perform the following steps:

  1. On the File menu, select Save As.
  2. In the Save As dialog box, type the path and file name of the ACM Report File (.adq) to save and then click Save.

To export a report, perform the following steps:

  1. On the File menu, select Export Report.
  2. In the Export Report Data dialog box, choose from one of the following report types in the Save As Type list:
    • Microsoft Excel Files (*.xls)
    • SV (Comma Delimited) (*.csv)
    • XML Document (*.xml)
  3. In the File Name box, type the path and file name of the report and then click Save.

Synchronizing with the Compatibility Exchange Service

The ACT enables you to synchronize your ACT database with Microsoft and the ACT Community through the Microsoft Compatibility Exchange Web service. This Web service downloads new information from authoritative sources, such as Microsoft and ISVs, and it uploads your compatibility issues to Microsoft. The ACT only displays applications that your environment has in common with the service.

To synchronize with the Microsoft Compatibility Exchange, perform the following steps:

  1. In the ACM, click Actions and then click Send And Receive.
  2. If you want, in the Send And Receive Data dialog box, click Review The Data Before Sending to view a list of the applications for which you are sending your compatibility data. You can choose the applications that you will share. You can also click Review All Data to save a list of the data that you're sending in an audit log.
  3. Click Send.
  4. Review the updated issue data for your applications in the ACM.
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