Mounting the SMB File System
Linux exclusively supports mounting of the SMB file system. This is due to the support that Linux enjoys from its kernel. The mounted SMB file system can be used just like a normal network file system. The command used for mounting file system is as follows:
submount //server1/share /mnt/SMBfs mountpoint -o username=userx
In the preceding example, share is connected to host server1.
Mounting also can be done automatically at system boot. This is done by adding the following line in the /etc/fstab file:
//server1/share /mnt/SMB SMBfs defaults,username=userx 0 0
SAMBA Client Tools
Some tools used by SAMBA clients are useful and easy to use. These tools are discussed in the following sections.
The nmblookup tool is used to query a WINS server. In addition, it is used to list machines and works similarly to nslookup in DNS. To list specific machines, use the following statement:
nmblookup -U server -R 'machine_name'
To list all machines on the network, use the following statement:
nmblookup \*
The preceding statement uses * to query by broadcasting, but a \ (backslash) should precede it to protect it from shell expansion.
The smbclient tool is used for retrieving files during a normal FTP operation. The smbclient tool uses the following command:
smbclient //machine1/share > cd directory123 > get file123
To view shared services, you can use the following command:
smbclient -L hostx
You also can specify the username and password by using the -U option, as shown in the following example:
smbclient -U user1%unsafepassword
As you can see, the username and password fields are separated with a%. It is unsafe to mention password like this because anyone who can retrieve previous commands will be able to access the password easily.
In this tutorial:
- Linux Other Network Servers
- Setting the FTP User Account
- Configurations File for FTP Server
- ftpusers
- Anonymous FTP
- Using Proper Password and Group Files
- Anonymous FTP Warnings
- Sendmail
- Sendmail Security
- Domain Name Service
- Domain Name Space
- Services Offered By a DNS Server
- DNS Transactions
- BIND Configuration
- Resource Records (RR)
- Start of Authority (SOA)
- nslookup
- BIND Security
- Host Name Spoofing
- Running BIND with Least Privileges
- DNS Security Extensions (DNSEC)
- SMB Protocol
- Mounting the SMB File System
- SAMBA Security
- Server-Level Security