MS-Excel / General Formatting

Hiding the Built-In Ribbon

Most of the time, your RibbonX customizations will augment the Office program's built-in Ribbon interface by adding one or more custom tabs or by adding new groups and controls to existing tabs. Occasionally, however, your VBA application might require that you hide the built-in Ribbon and display only your custom interface. You'll see in the next few sections that you can hide individual tabs (as well as groups and controls within a tab), but you don't have to hide all the program's tabs individually to hide the built-in Ribbon. Instead, in your custom XML markup you modify the <ribbon> element to include the startFromScratch attribute:

<ribbon startFromScratch = "true|false">

If you set this attribute to true, the Office application hides the built-in Ribbon and displays just your custom interface. Here's some bare-bones XML that does that:

<customUI xmlns="">
    <ribbon startFromScratch="true">
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