MS-Excel / General Formatting

Data Entry

What It DoesKey(s)
End cell entry and move down one cellEnter
End cell entry and move up one cellShift+Enter
End cell entry and move one cell to rightTab
End cell entry and move one cell to leftShift+Tab
Cancel an entry you typedEsc
Move one character or line left, right, up, or down when entering or editing cell entryArrow Key
Move to beginning of entryHome
Fill a cell entry into cells belowCtrl+D
Fill a cell entry into cells to rightCtrl+R
Fill range with current entryCtrl+Enter
Paste a function into a formulaShift+F3
Insert AutoSum formulaAlt+= (equal sign)
Start new line in cell entryAlt+Enter (when typing or editing entry)
Insert page breakAlt+Enter (when cell, row, or column is selected)
Insert dateCtrl+; (semicolon)
Insert timeCtrl+: (colon)
Insert new worksheetShift+F11
Select entry from a drop-down list of entries already typed in a row or columnAlt+Down Arrow
Insert hyperlink (for Web-based worksheets)Ctrl+K

Formula/Function Entry

What It DoesKey(s)
Start formula entry= (equal sign)
Enter a formula as an array formulaCtrl+Shift+Enter
Display Insert Function dialog box when typing or editing a formulaShift+F3
Display Function Arguments dialog box when insertion point is to right of function name in formulaCtrl+A
Insert argument names and parentheses when insertion point is to right of function name in formulaCtrl+Shift+A
Paste range name into formulaF3
Insert AutoSum formula with SUM functionAlt+= (equal sign)
Copy value from cell above active cell into active cellCtrl+Shift+" (quotation mark)
Copy formula from cell above active cell into active cellCtrl+' (apostrophe)
Toggle display of cell values and formulasCtrl+` (single left quotation mark)
Recalculate all formulas or selected portion of current formulaF9
Calculate only the active worksheetShift+F9
Recalculate all formulas whether or not they have changed since the last calculationCtrl+Alt+F9
Check all dependent formulas and recalculate all formulas, including those not marked for recalculationCtrl+Alt+Shift+F9

Selection Keystrokes

What It DoesKey(s)
Select cellArrow Keys
Name selected range of cellsCtrl+F3
Name range using an entry from a cell in the rangeCtrl+Shift+F3
Select entire columnCtrl+Spacebar
Select entire rowShift+Spacebar
Select entire worksheetCtrl+A
Deselect all but the active cellShift+Backspace
Select all objects on worksheet when an object is selectedCtrl+Shift+Spacebar
Toggle between hiding or displaying objects or displaying placeholders for objectsCtrl+6
Select current and next worksheetCtrl+Shift+Page Down
Select current and previous worksheetCtrl+Shift+Page Up
Deselect multiple worksheetsCtrl+Page Down
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In this tutorial:

  1. Excel Shortcut Keys
  2. General Command
  3. Data Entry
  4. Extend Selection