Windows 7 / Getting Started

Repairing a Computer to Enable Startup

Windows 7 includes the Startup Repair tool to automatically detect corrupted system files during startup and guide you through automated or manual recovery. The Startup Repair tool attempts to determine the cause of the startup failure by using startup logs and error reports, and then attempts to fix the problem automatically. If the Startup Repair tool is unable to resolve the problem, it restores your computer to the last known working state and provides diagnostics information and support options for further troubleshooting.

Every Windows 7 computer has a Window Recovery Environment (Windows RE) partition by default. This partition is created automatically when the operating system is installed. As a result, if your computer fails to shut down properly, the Windows Error Recovery screen is shown automatically the next time you start the computer. You then have the option of starting the computer in one of several Safe Modes or using normal startup. If your computer fails to start properly, the Windows Error Recovery screen is shown automatically the next time you try to start the computer. You then have the option of running the Startup Repair tool or using normal startup.

The Startup Repair tool checks for problems preventing your computer from starting. If problems are found, the tool tries to repair them to enable startup. The automated troubleshooting and repair process can take several minutes. During the first phase of the repair, you can click Cancel to exit.

If Startup Repair doesn't find common problems, you have the option of performing a system restore or canceling the restore. Clicking Restore starts System Restore. Clicking Cancel returns to the startup repair process, and the Startup Repair tool attempts to make repairs using advanced techniques.

If Startup Repair is successful, your computer will start. If Startup Repair is unable to find and correct problems, you'll see a note about this and will be able to send more information about the problem to Microsoft to help find solutions in the future. After selecting the option to send or not send information, you return to the Startup Repair dialog box.

To access advanced repair options, click the related link and follow the prompts to continue troubleshooting. Otherwise, click Finish. You may want to disconnect any external devices that you've recently connected to your computer and then try to start your computer again. Otherwise, ask your network administrator or your computer manufacturer for help.

Corrupted system files aren't the only types of problems that can prevent proper startup of the operating system. Many other types of problems can occur, but most of these problems occur because something on the system has changed. Often you can resolve startup issues using Safe Mode to recover or troubleshoot system problems. When you are finished using Safe Mode, be sure to restart the computer using a normal startup. You will then be able to use the computer as you normally would. See "Performing an Advanced or Safe Mode Boot," earlier in this tutorial, for more information.

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