Distribution system services
Distribution system services connect access points to the distribution system. The major role of access points is to extend the services on the wired network to the wireless network; this is done by providing the distribution and integration services to the wireless side. Managing mobile station associations is the other major role of the distribution system. To maintain association data and station location information, the distribution system provides the association, reassociation, and disassociation services.
In this tutorial:
- 802.11 Networks
- IEEE 802 Network Technology Family Tree
- Nomenclature and Design
- Types of Networks
- Independent networks
- Infrastructure networks
- Extended service areas
- Multi-BSS environments: "virtual APs"
- Robust security networks (RSNs)
- The Distribution System, Revisited
- Interaccess point communication as part of the distribution system
- Wireless bridges and the distribution system
- Network Boundaries
- 802.11 Network Operations
- Network Services
- Station services
- Distribution system services
- Confidentiality and access control
- Spectrum management services
- Mobility Support
- Designing Networks for Mobility