Protect a Document with Encryption
An Open password or a Modify password offers only weak protection, because you (or anyone else) can easily find password-cracking utilities on the Internet. To protect a document more securely, you can encrypt it. To do so, follow these steps:
- Click the Office button, and then choose Prepare | Encrypt Document. Word displays the Encrypt Document dialog box.
- Type a strong password in the Password text box.
- Click the OK button. Word displays a Confirm Password dialog box.
- Type the password in the Reenter Password text box, and then click the OK button. Word closes the Confirm Password dialog box and applies the encryption.
- Click the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar. Alternatively, press CTRL-S. Word saves the document.
To create an effective password, use at least six characters, and make them a mix of uppercase- and lowercase, numbers, and symbols (for example, ! or @). Never use a real word as a password, no matter which language it is from.