MS-Access / Getting Started

RaiseEvent Statement

Use the RaiseEvent statement to signal a declared event in a class module.


RaiseEvent eventname [(<arguments>)]

where <arguments> is

{ <expression> },...


You must always declare an event in the class module that raises the event. You cannot use RaiseEvent to signal a built-in event (such as Current) of a form or report class module. If an event passes no arguments, you must not include an empty pair of parentheses when you code the RaiseEvent statement. An event can be received only by another module that has declared an object variable using WithEvents that has been set to the class module or object containing this class.


To define an event named Signal that returns a text string and then to signal that event in a class module, enter the following:

Option Explicit
Public Event Signal(ByVal strMsg As String)

Public Sub RaiseSignal(ByVal strText As String)
    RaiseEvent Signal(strText)
End Sub

Select Case Statement

Use a Select Case statement to execute statements conditionally based on the evaluation of an expression that is compared to a list or range of values.


Select Case <test expression>
    [Case <comparison list 1>
	[<procedure statements 1>]]
    [Case Else
	[<procedure statements n>]]
End Select

where <test expression> is any numeric or string expression; where <comparison list> is

{<comparison element>,...}

where <comparison element> is

{expression | expression To expression |
  Is <comparison operator> expression}

and where <comparison operator> is

{= | <> | < | > | <= | >=}


If the <test expression> matches a <comparison element> in a Case clause, Visual Basic executes the statements that follow that clause. If the <comparison element> is a single expression, the <test expression> must equal the <comparison element> for the statements following that clause to execute. If the <comparison element> contains a To keyword, the first expression must be less than the second expression (either in numeric value if the expressions are numbers or in collating sequence if the expressions are strings) and the <test expression> must be between the first expression and the second expression. If the <comparison element> contains the Is keyword, the evaluation of <comparison operator> expression must be true.

If more than one Case clause matches the <test expression>, Visual Basic executes only the set of statements following the first Case clause that matches. You can include a block of statements following a Case Else clause that Visual Basic executes if none of the previous Case clauses matches the <test expression>. You can nest another Select Case statement within the statements following a Case clause.


To assign an integer value to a variable, depending on whether a string begins with a letter from A through F, from G through N, or from O through Z, enter the following:

Dim strMyString As String, intVal As Integer
Select Case UCase$(Mid$(strMyString, 1, 1))
    Case "A" To "F"
	intVal = 1
    Case "G" To "N"
	intVal = 2
    Case "O" To "Z"
	intVal = 3
    Case Else
	intVal = 0
End Select
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