Handling Complex Queries
Converting queries that have complex calculations (we are going to show a simple calculation to explain this feature) can be a big issue when moving to SQL Server. Consider the following Access query:
SELECT [Order Details].OrderID, [Order Details].ProductID, [UnitPrice]*[Quantity] AS LinePrice, [LinePrice]*0.2 AS LineItemTax, [LinePrice]+[LineItemTax] AS FullPrice FROM [Order Details]
This technique of referring to calculated columns inside other expressions is a very common technique in Access. Unfortunately, SQL Server does not support this, and most migration tools are unable to perform a successful conversion of the SQL.
You have several options when converting this SQL. The simplest option is to restate the calculations in full for each calculated field. The second option is to create SQL Server functions for parts of the calculation, and then modify the calculation to use these functions.
The third option is to create a nested query; you then order the calculations so that they are only referenced by an out level of the nesting. The following code demonstrates the three solutions (ComplexCalculation.sql):
-- Restating the calculations SELECT [Order Details].OrderID, [Order Details].ProductID, [UnitPrice]*[Quantity] AS LinePrice, ([UnitPrice]*[Quantity])*0.2 AS LineItemTax, [UnitPrice]*[Quantity]+ ([UnitPrice]*[Quantity])*0.2 AS FullPrice FROM [Order Details] GO -- using functions CREATE FUNCTION fn_CalculateLinePrice(@Quantity INT, @Price MONEY) RETURNS DECIMAL(16,4) AS BEGIN RETURN(@Quantity * @Price) END GO CREATE FUNCTION fn_CalculateTax(@Quantity INT, @Price MONEY) RETURNS DECIMAL(16,4) AS BEGIN RETURN(@Quantity * @Price *0.2) END GO SELECT [Order Details].OrderID, [Order Details].ProductID, dbo.fn_CalculateLinePrice([Quantity],[UnitPrice]) AS LinePrice, dbo.fn_CalculateTax([Quantity],[UnitPrice]) AS LineItemTax, dbo.fn_CalculateTax([Quantity],[UnitPrice]) + dbo.fn_CalculateLinePrice([Quantity],[UnitPrice]) AS FullPrice FROM [Order Details] GO -- using a nested query SELECT LinePrice, LineItemTax, LinePrice + LinePrice AS FullPrice FROM (SELECT LinePrice, LinePrice* 0.2 AS LineItemTax FROM (SELECT [UnitPrice]*[Quantity] AS LinePrice FROM [Order Details] ) As Nested1 ) As Nested2 GO
At this point, you should appreciate that T-SQL takes writing SQL in Access to a more sophisticated level, and one feature that you don't want to miss is the CASE statement (often used to replace IIF structures). There are two forms for this, SIMPLE and SEARCHED. To illustrate this, the following code creates a very simple table that lists the months in a year, demonstrating the two forms of this statement (CASE.sql):CREATE TABLE Months( MonthID INT PRIMARY KEY, TheMonthName NVARCHAR(15) ) GO INSERT INTO Months(MonthID,TheMonthName) VALUES(1,'January'),(2,'February'),(3,'March'),(4,'April'), (5,'May'),(6,'June'),(7,'July'),(8,'August'), (9,'September'),(10,'October'),(11,'November'), (12,'December') GO -- Simple Case SELECT MonthID , TheMonthName, Simplecase = CASE MonthID WHEN 1 THEN 'January' WHEN 2 THEN 'February' WHEN 3 THEN 'March' WHEN 4 THEN 'April' WHEN 5 THEN 'May' WHEN 6 THEN 'June' WHEN 7 THEN 'July' WHEN 8 THEN 'August' WHEN 9 THEN 'September' WHEN 10 THEN 'October' WHEN 11 THEN 'November' WHEN 12 THEN 'December' Else 'Unknown' END FROM Months GO -- Searched Case SELECT MonthID , TheMonthName, SearchedCase = CASE WHEN MonthID IN(1,2,3) THEN 'First Quarter' WHEN MonthID IN(4,5,6) THEN 'Second Quarter' WHEN MonthID IN(7,8,9) THEN 'Third Quarter' WHEN MonthID IN(10,11,12) THEN ' Fourth Quarter' Else 'Unknown' END FROM Months GO
In this tutorial:
- Upsizing Access to SQL Server
- Planning for Upsizing
- Boolean Data
- Cycles and Multiple Cascade Paths
- Replicated Databases and Random Autonumbers
- Unique Index and Ignore Nulls
- Timestamps and Row Versioning
- Schemas and Synonyms
- Upsizing Wizard and the SQL Server Migration Assistant
- Upsizing to Use an Access Data Project
- Comparing Table Conversion in the Upsizing Wizard and SSMA
- Comparing Query Conversion in the Upsizing Wizard and SSMA
- Developing with Access and SQL Server
- Stored Procedures and Temporary Tables
- Handling Complex Queries
- Performance and Execution Plans
- SQL Server Profiler