Windows 7 / Getting Started

Operating System Versions

The Task Sequencer allows you to filter steps and groups based on the computer's current operating system. For example, you can choose to run a preinstallation step only if the destination computer is currently running Windows Vista SP1.

To add an operating system filter to an item's Conditions list, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Options tab, click Add, and then click Operating System Version to display the Task Sequence OS Condition dialog box.
  2. From the Architecture list, click either x86 or x64.
  3. From the Operating System list, choose an operating system version and a service pack level.
  4. From the Conditions list, choose one of the following conditions:
    • Equals
    • Not equals
    • Greater than
    • Greater than or equals
    • Less than
    • Less than or equals

WMI Queries

The Task Sequencer allows you to filter steps and groups based on WMI queries. The WMI query must return a collection. If the collection is empty, the result evaluates to false. If the collection is not empty, the result evaluates to true. The following are some sample WMI queries you could use to filter steps in the task sequence:

  • SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Manufacturer = 'Dell Computer Corporation'. This is true only if WMI reports the computer's manufacturer as Dell Computer Corporation.
  • SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem WHERE OSLanguage = '1033'. This is true only if WMI reports the operating system language as 1033.
  • SELECT * FROM Win32_Service WHERE Name = 'WinMgmt'. This is true only if the WinMgmt service is available.
  • SELECT * FROM Win32_Processor WHERE DeviceID = 'CPU0' AND Architecture = '0'. This is true only if the processor architecture is x86.
  • SELECT * FROM Win32_Directory WHERE Name = 'D:\Somefolder'. This is true only if D:\Somefolder exists on the computer.

To add a WMI query to an item's Conditions list, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Options tab, click Add and then click Query WMI to display the Task Sequence WMI Condition dialog box.
  2. In the WMI Namespace box, type the WMI namespace in which to run the query. The default namespace is root\cimv2.
  3. In the WQL Query box, type the WMI query.
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