Windows 7 / Getting Started

Monitoring Task Sequence Deployments

The next sections discuss how to monitor your task sequence deployments.

Update Deployment Status

You can spot check individual task sequences in the console by selecting them under the Operating Systems → Task Sequences node in the Software Library workspace and choosing the Deployments tab from the Detail pane at the bottom. Each task sequence listed in this view by default shows the deployment start times and an overall compliance percentage for all targeted systems. Multiselecting task sequences hides the Detail pane, so you cannot get a summarized pie chart from multiple updates in this view. Unfortunately, this view is devoid of any useable information and is thus essentially useless.

For those of you coming from ConfigMgr 2007, you may not know that the term deployment is now universally used for all types of activity in ConfigMgr 2012 that pushes something to a managed system or user including applications, software updates, and operating systems.

Following this terminology unification is also unification of reviewing and monitoring the deployments for all of these activities in the console, under Monitoring → Deployments. Clicking the Deployments node lists all available deployments. Sort by the Feature Type column to isolate all Task Sequence deployments quickly; filter to narrow the results even more. Selecting a deployment here shows summarized information for the deployment in the Detail pane, including a pie chart showing completion statistics.

Double-clicking a deployment creates a sticky-node under the Deployment node in the navigation tree. Selecting this sticky node shows detailed information about the deployment status of the deployment. The view pane shows five tabs, one for each deployment status:

  • Success
  • In Progress
  • Error
  • Requirements Not Met
  • Unknown

Listed under each tab is the number of systems for that deployment status, and the actual systems with that status are listed in the Asset Details pane at the bottom.

The information displayed here is summarized from information in the actual database. Summarizations are automatically run on a periodic basis and can be forced by choosing the Run Summarization option from the ribbon bar. The time of the last summarization is displayed in the upper right of the view pane along with links to Run Summarization and Refresh the view.


Reports are the final source for monitoring and reporting on actual update status, compliance, and installation results. Reports are advantageous because the consumer of the update status information does not require access to the ConfigMgr console to view the data.

Out-of-the-box, ConfigMgr contains 28 specific OSD reports. This should be sufficient for most organizations. The beauty of reporting services is that you or another user can create custom reports for your specific needs and organization.

Unlike ConfigMgr 2007, the ConfigMgr log viewing tool, now called CMTrace, is automatically included on all boot images.
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