Windows 7 / Getting Started

Changing User Pictures

Each user set up on your computer can associate an image that appears next to his or her name on the logon screen. By default, you have the option to select a picture for your account when you install Windows. However, the screen that allows you to pick an image offers only a small selection of the pictures available to you. In addition, if you do not like the images that Windows has to offer, you can select any image file.

The process of changing a user's image is simple. Just perform the following steps, and you will have it changed in no time:

  1. Click the Start button and then click your user picture.
  2. Select Change your picture from the middle of the list.
  3. You will now be shown all available Windows user images. If you find one you like, click it, and then hit the Change Picture button.
  4. If you prefer a different photo, click Browse for more pictures and use any image file on your PC.
  5. After you have selected your new image, your setting change is instantly applied. You can now close User Accounts panel.

Your user image on the logon screen is now changed; you have also updated the image used on the Start menu.

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