Windows 10 Tutorials

Manage client security by using Windows Defender

Most organizations use an enterprise malware solution, often unaware that the Windows Defender antimalware software that is included with Windows 10 offers fully featured antimalware protection against viruses, spyware, rootkits, and other types... Read more...

Monitor performance using Task Manager

If you have used an earlier version of Windows, you probably have used Task Manager. This is one of the most useful tools available in Windows for gaining an immediate insight into how a system is performing. Read more...

Configure Event Subscriptions

You can configure Event Viewer to view other computers' event logs. Manually connecting to other computers on a regular basis can be cumbersome. Read more...

Monitor System Resources

Every computer system has a performance threshold that, if pushed beyond this level, will cause the system to struggle to perform optimally. Read more...

Customizing Command Prompt windows

You can customize the appearance of a Command Prompt window in several ways. You can change its size, select a font, and even use eye-pleasing colors. Read more...

Windows 10 Disk-Management Tools

The principal disk-management tool in Windows 10 is the Disk Management console (Diskmgmt.msc). For those who need to incorporate disk-management tasks in scripts. Read more...

Recovering Lost, Damaged, and Deleted Files and Folders

It takes only a fraction of a second to wipe out a week's worth of work. You might accidentally delete a folder full of files or, worse, overwrite an entire group of files with changes that can't be undone. Read more...

Adding, configuring, and Removing Hardware Devices

Since its introduction in Windows 95, Plug and Play technology has evolved tremendously. Read more...

Manage User Accounts

When you install Windows 10 on a new computer, the setup program creates a profile for one user account, which is an administrator account. Read more...

Syncing your Settings between Computers

Windows 10 offers two types of synchronization among computers: A more comprehensive collection of synchronization settings encompasses not only themes but various other personalization options. Read more...

Setting Network Locations

A desktop PC connected to a wired home or small office network remains in a single location, by definition. In contrast, mobile devices running Windows 10 can connect to different types of networks-a corporate domain. Read more...

Getting started with Windows 10 networking

Before you can connect to the Internet or to a local area network, your Windows 10 device needs a network adapter, properly installed with working drivers. Read more...

Activating Windows

Microsoft has used different names for these capabilities: Windows Activation Technologies and Windows Genuine Advantage, for example. In Windows 10, these features are collectively referred to as the Software Protection Platform. Read more...

Back Up your Data and settings before Upgrade

Having an up-to-date backup of important files is, of course, good advice for any time. But it's especially important when you're upgrading an operating system. Read more...

Manage Your Privacy in Windows 10

Being in control of security on your computer is important but almost as important is being able to control your privacy. Read more...