Comparison Operators

Comparison operators allow you to compare two values.

These operators test two values against each other, and if they relate correctly, the test returns true.

If the relationship specified by the test is incorrect, the return value is false. All comparison operators take two values for input.

See the following table:

Comparison Operators
Operator NameExampleTask
Equal ==$a == $bReturn true if $a and $b are equal, if not equal then return false
Identical ===$a === $bReturn true if $a and $b are equal and the same type, else return false
Not equal !=$a != $bReturn true if $a and $b are not equal, if equal then return false
Not equal <>$a <> $bReturn true if $a and $b are not equal, if equal then return false
Not identical !==$a !== $bReturn true if $a and $b are unequal or different type, else return false
Less than <$a < $bReturn true if $a is less than $b
Greater than >$a > $bReturn true if $a is greater than $b
Less than or equal to <=$a <= $bReturn true if $a is less than or equal to $b
Greater than or equal to >=$a >= $bReturn true if $a is greater than or $b

In above table, comparison operators determine whether the following conditions are present between two values:


Example 1: Comparing with equal operator ==

    $a = 'php';
    $b = 'php';
    var_dump($a == $b); //prints: bool(true)

The above example displays the true result as $a and $b are equal in values

Example 2: Comparing with identical operator ===

    $a = 'php';
    $b = 'php';
    var_dump($a === $b); //prints: bool(true)

The above example displays the true result as $a and $b are equal in values and also own the same type (string)

    $a = 1; //php integer
    $b = '1'; //php string
    var_dump($a === $b); //prints: bool(false)

The above example displays the false result because data type of $a is string and data type of $b is integer and we know identtical operator === checks types and values of given inputs

Example 4: Comparing with not equal operators != and <>

    $a = 'php';
    $b = 'php';
    var_dump($a != $b); //prints: bool(false)
    $a = 'php';
    $b = 'php';
    var_dump($a <> $b); //prints: bool(false)

The above example displays the false result because $a and $b are equal in values

Example 5: Comparing with not identical operator !==

    $a = 'php';
    $b = 'php';
    var_dump($a !== $b); //prints: bool(false)
    $c = 1;
    $d = '1';
    var_dump($c !== $d); //prints: bool(true)

In above example the first part returns false result because $a and $b are equal in values and types, and second part returns true because $c and $d are not equal in types.

Example 6: Comparing with less than < and greater than >

    $a = 'a';
    $b = 'b';
    var_dump($a < $b); //prints: bool(true)
    var_dump($b > $a); //prints: bool(true)
    $c = 1;
    $d = 2;
    var_dump($c < $d); //prints: bool(true)
    var_dump($d > $c); //prints: bool(true)

Less than < and greater than > do not compare the length of given values or variables, actually these operators compare the sequence, in numerical values 1 is smaller than 2, 2 is smaller than 3... and alphabetically a is smaller than b. See the abobe example, it outputs the same.

Example 6: Comparing with less than or equal to <= and greater than or equal to >=

    $a = 'a';
    $b = 'bzd';
    var_dump($a <= $b); //prints: bool(true)
    var_dump($b >= $a); //prints: bool(true)
    $a = 'a';
    $b = 'a';
    var_dump($a <= $b); //prints: bool(true)
    var_dump($b >= $a); //prints: bool(true)
    $c = 1;
    $d = 200;
    var_dump($c <= $d); //prints: bool(true)
    var_dump($d >= $c); //prints: bool(true)

As we can see in above example, comapring 'a' <= 'b' and 'a' <= 'a' always return true.

Note: var_dump() function displays structured information i.e. type and value.

Contents and Related Tutorials

  1. A list of PHP Comparison Operators with examples
  2. Assignment = vs Equal == vs Identical === Operators
  3. Basics of Strings Comparing
  4. Case Sensitive: Compare strings with strcmp() function
  5. Case Insensitive strings comparison with strcasecmp() function