MS-Excel / General Formatting

Spell Check

  1. Choose Review> Proofing> Spelling. The Spelling dialog box opens, and Excel highlights the cell where it finds the first potential misspelling and also suggests possible changes.
    Spell Check reviews all cell values, comments, embedded charts, text boxes, buttons, and headers and footers, but it does not check protected worksheets, formulas, or text that results from a formula.
  2. Select one of the following options:
    Change or Change All:
    Choose one of the suggestions; then click Change to change just this spelling mistake or select Change All if you think you made the mistake more than once.

    Have Excel, in future workbooks, automatically correct the mistake with the selected replacement.

    Ignore Once:
    Click this button if you don't want to change the spelling of the highlighted instance.

    Ignore All:
    Click this button if you don't want to change the spelling of any identical instances.

    Add to Dictionary:
    Add a word, such as a proper name or medical or legal term, to Excel's built-in dictionary so that Excel won't flag it as a potential error in the future.
  3. After you select an option, Excel proceeds to the next error; when all potential mistakes are identified, Excel asks you to click ok.
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