MS-Excel / General Formatting

Crop an Image

  1. Choose Picture Tools Format> Size> Crop.
  2. Position the mouse over a corner of the image to display crop handles. A crop handle looks like an upside-down and backward letter L.
  3. Click and drag a crop handle inward to crop out an area of the image.
  4. Release the mouse button. Excel crops the image.
  5. Continue cropping other edges of the image, as needed.
  6. Click the Crop button again to turn off the Crop tool.

Flip an Object

  1. Select the object you want to flip.
  2. Choose Picture Tools Format> Arrange> Rotate. A menu of choices appears. As you pause your mouse over a menu option, Excel previews the effect on the picture.
  3. Select from the following options:
    • Rotate Right 90o
    • Rotate Left 90o
    • Flip Vertical
    • Flip Horizontal
    Choose More Rotation options to display the Size and Properties dialog box, where you can set many options precisely including size, rotation, and cropping.
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