MS-Excel / General Formatting

Constructing SmartArt

SmartArt represents a completely new breed of graphic object in Excel that gives you the ability to quickly and easily construct fancy graphical lists and diagrams in your worksheet. SmartArt lists and diagrams come in a wide array of configurations that includes a variety of organizational charts and flow diagrams that enable you to add your own text to predefined graphic shapes.

To insert a SmartArt list or diagram into the worksheet, click the SmartArt button on the Insert tab or press Alt+NM. Excel then opens the Choose a SmartArt Graphic dialog box when you select the category in the navigation pane on the left followed by the list's or diagram's thumbnail in the center section before you click OK.

Excel then inserts the basic structure of the list or diagram into your worksheet along with a text pane (with "Type Your Text Here" on its title bar) containing a text outline to its immediate left. Here's where you enter the text for the various parts of the list or diagram. At the same time, the Design tab of the SmartArt Tools contextual tab appears on the Ribbon with Layouts and Quick Styles galleries for the particular type of SmartArt list or diagram you originally selected.

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