MS-Access / Getting Started

Creating a New Empty Web Database

To begin creating a new empty web database when you start Access 2010, go to the Available Templates section in the middle of the New tab and click Blank Web Database. The right side of the New tab changes to display the Blank Web Database task pane.

You can click Browse to open the File New Database dialog box, to select the drive and folder you want. In this example, we selected the Documents folder in Windows 7 for the current user. Next, type the name of your new database in the File Name text box-Access 2010 appends an .accdb extension to the file name for you. For this example, let's create a database with a table containing employee names and addresses. Type Employees Web in the File Name box and click Create to create your web database.

Access 2010 takes a few moments to create the system tables in which to store all the information about the tables, queries, forms, reports, and macros that you might create. Access then displays the Navigation pane for your new web database and opens a new blank web table in Datasheet view.

Because this is a new web database and no objects or special startup settings exist yet, you see a Navigation pane with only one object defined. For new web databases, Access, by default, creates a new web table in Datasheet view called Table1 with an ID field already defined. However, Access has not saved this table, so if you do not make any changes to it, Access will not prompt you to save the table if you close it. The following sections show various methods for creating a new table.

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