MS-Access / Getting Started

Creating a library reference for distributed applications

If you're distributing your application, references stay intact only if the calling database and the library database are in the same path. For example, if the main database is in C:\myapp on your machine, and if the library database is in C:\myapp\library, the reference remains intact as long as the library database is located in C:\myapp\library. If the path won't remain consistent upon distribution, your application's users must manually adjust the reference or you must create the reference with VBA code.

The following procedure creates a reference to the file whose name is passed as an argument. In order for this function to work, the full filename with path must be passed:

    bResult = CreateReference("C:\My Documents\MyLib.accdb").

The function is

    Public Function CreateReference(strFileName As String) _
	As Boolean
      Dim ref As Reference
    On Error GoTo HandleError
      Set ref = References.AddFromFile(strFileName)
      CreateReference = True
      Exit Function
     MsgBox Err & ": " & Err.Description
     CreateReference = False
     Resume ExitHere
    End Function

Tip: You can verify that a reference is set by using the ReferenceFromFile function. To verify a reference, pass the function, the full path, and the filename like this:

bResult = ReferenceFromFile("C:\Windows\System32\mscal.ocx")

Here's the function, which returns True if the reference is valid and False if it isn't:

    Public Function ReferenceFromFile(strFileName As String) _
	As Boolean
      Dim ref As Reference
    On Error GoTo HandleError
      For Each ref In References
	If StrComp(ref.FullPath, strFileName) = 0 Then
	  ReferenceFromFile = True
	  Exit For
	End If
      Next ref
      Exit Function
      MsgBox Err & ": " & Err.Description
      ReferenceFromFile = False
      Resume ExitHere
    End Function

With the References collection, the primary concern of using and distributing libraries - losing references upon distribution - is now gone. However, library databases still have one major drawback: Access libraries don't support circular references. This means that the code in your library databases can't reference variables or call procedures that exist in your parent database.

Whether you distribute your application as one database or as a primary database that uses library databases, if your applications are static (they don't allow modification of objects by end users or wizards and don't perform object modifications on themselves), you should always distribute the databases in a fully compiled state so that your users experience the highest level of performance.

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