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Uninstalling apps and resetting your device

You uninstall applications on the Simulator the same way you'd do it on the iPad, except you use your mouse instead of your finger.

  1. On the Home screen, place the pointer over the icon of the app you want to uninstall and hold down the mouse button until all the app icons start to wiggle.
  2. Click the app icon's Close button - the little x that appears in the upper-left corner of the icon - to make the app disappear.
  3. Click the Home button - the one with a little square in it, centered below the screen - to stop the other app icon's wiggling and finish the uninstallation.

You can also move an app's icon around by clicking and dragging with the mouse.

You can remove an application from the background the same way you'd do it on the iPad, except you use your mouse instead of your finger.

  1. Double-click the Home button to display the applications running in the background.
  2. Place the pointer over the icon of the application you want to remove and hold down the mouse button until the icon starts to wiggle.
  3. Click the icon's Remove button - the red circle with the - that appears in the upper-left corner of the application's icon.
  4. Click the Home button to stop the icon's wiggling and then once again to return to the Home screen.

To reset the Simulator to the original factory settings - which also removes all the apps you've installed - choose iOS Simulator → Reset Content and Settings.


Keep in mind that running apps in the Simulator isn't the same thing as running them in the iPad. Here's why:

  • Different frameworks: The Simulator uses Mac OS X versions of the lowlevel system frameworks, instead of the actual frameworks that run on the device.
  • Different hardware and memory: The Simulator uses the Mac hardware and memory. To really determine how your app is going to perform on an honest-to-goodness iPad, you're going to have to run it on a real iPad.
  • Different installation procedure: Xcode installs your app in the Simulator automatically when you build the app using the Simulator SDK. All fine and dandy, but there's no way to get Xcode to install other apps from the App Store in the Simulator.
  • Lack of GPS: You can't fake the Simulator into thinking it's laying on the beach at Waikiki. The location reported by the CoreLocation framework in the Simulator is fixed at
    • Latitude: 37.3317 North
    • Longitude: 122.0307 West
  • Two-finger limit: You can simulate a maximum of two fingers. If your application's user interface can respond to touch events involving more than two fingers, you'll need to test that on an actual iPad. The motion of the two fingers is limited in the Simulator - you can't do two-figure swipes or drags.
  • Accelerometer differences: You can access your computer's accelerometer (if it has one) through the UIKit framework. Its reading, however, will differ from the accelerometer readings on an iPad.
  • Differences in rendering: OpenGL ES (OpenGL for Embedded Systems), one of the 3D graphics libraries that works with the iOS SDK, uses renderers on devices that are slightly different from those it uses in Simulator. As a result, a scene on the Simulator and the same scene on a device may not be identical at the pixel level.
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