Networking / Beginners

SYN Flooding

SYN flooding is a denial-of-service attack that exploits the three-way handshake that TCP/IP uses to establish a connection. Basically, SYN flooding disables a targeted system by creating many half-open connections.

For example, the client transmits to the server the SYN bit set. This tells the server that the client wishes to establish a connection and what the starting sequence number will be for the client. The server sends back to the client an acknowledgment (SYN-ACK) and confirms its starting sequence number. The client acknowledges (ACK) receipt of the server's transmission and begins the transfer of data.

With SYN flooding a hacker creates many half-open connections by initiating the connections to a server with the SYN number bit. However, the return address that is associated with the SYN would not be a valid address. The server would send a SYN-ACK back to an invalid address that would not exist or respond. Using available programs, the hacker would transmit many SYN packets with false return addresses to the server. The server would respond to each SYN with an acknowledgment and then sit there with the connection half-open waiting for the final acknowledgment to come back.

The result from this type of attack can be that the system under attack may not be able to accept legitimate incoming network connections so that users cannot log onto the system. Each operating system has a limit on the number of connections it can accept. In addition, the SYN flood may exhaust system memory, resulting in a system crash. The net result is that the system is unavailable or nonfunctional.

One countermeasure for this form of attack is to set the SYN relevant timers low so that the system closes half-open connections after a relatively short period of time. With the timers set low, the server will close the connections even while the SYN flood attack opens more.

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