MS-Word / Getting Started

Zooming In (And Out) to Avoid Eyestrain

For many people, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint may display text too tiny to see comfortably. To overcome this problem, you can increase the magnification in Word, Excel, or PowerPoint so that text appears bigger without physically altering the file itself. Here are three ways to zoom in (or out) the magnification:

  1. Drag the Zoom slider that appears in the bottom-right corner.
  2. Hold down the Ctrl button and scroll the wheel of your mouse (assuming your mouse has a wheel).
  3. Click the View tab and then click the Zoom icon in the Zoom group. When a dialog box appears, click a magnification percentage (such as 125%) or type your own magnification percentage (such as 138%).

Changing the magnification only changes the way your text appears. Zooming in (or out) does not physically alter the text itself.

When in Doubt, Right-Click the Mouse

As a shortcut to giving commands to Office 2007, remember this simple guideline: First select, then right-click. So if you want to change text or a picture, first select it to tell Office 2007 what you want to modify. Then right-click the mouse to display a pop-up menu of the commands. These pop-up menus display a list of only relevant commands for the item you just selected.

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