MS-Excel / Excel 2003

Setting a new standard row height

Note that Excel doesn't provide an equivalent command for setting a new default height for all the rows in a worksheet. This is probably because the program automatically adjusts the height of the row to accommodate the data that you enter in its columns. If you're creating a spreadsheet where you would benefit by having a new standard row height (presumably, a taller one), you can set all the rows in the worksheet to a new height by using this work-around:

  1. Click a letter in the Column header.
    Clicking a column letter in the Column header selects all the rows in that column in the worksheet.
  2. Choose Format → Row → Height.
    Excel opens the Row Height dialog box.
  3. Enter the new row height in characters (between 0 and 255) in the Row Height text box.
    Setting the row height to 0 is the equivalent of hiding the row in the worksheet by choosing Format → Row → Hide. You can use this technique to hide rows you use in calculating worksheet formulas but don't necessarily want to appear in the printout. However, if you enter 0 here when all the rows of the worksheet are selected, standard width, you hide all the rows in the entire worksheet, making it impossible to add, edit, or print data in any of its cells.
  4. Click the OK button to close the Row Height dialog box.
    Excel changes the height of all the rows in the worksheet.

To remove the cell selection from all the rows in the column whose heading you clicked, click any single cell with the mouse pointer.

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